Mailbox information

Mailboxes – The Post Office requires that you shovel a 15-foot path to either side of the mailbox clusters. Often the plows don’t get close enough to the curb, so we’re each responsible. – There is a city ordinance that you cannot park within 8 feet of a mailbox(yet another parking fine offense). Additionally, our mailperson…

10/21/2016 updates

10/21/2016 The primary website no longer requires a password, but accessing documents and directories does. Contact if you need a password. For mailbox repairs, please contact John Kloosterboer with detailed information about the issue.

5/15/2016 Update

5/15/2016 > Updated owner’s directory > Updated Architectural Committee Review form. Residents are required to complete this form and obtain ACC Committee approval for any exterior construction project including decks, fences, additions, landscaping, etc. > We are having discussions with a horticulturist regarding the trimming and thinning of Outlots 1 & 2. Outlot 2 and…


12/8/2015 Our first all-association member meeting was held at Olson School. Thirty seven (37) of the seventy one (71) lot owners were represented in person or by proxy. The final transition of the Association to the owners was voted on and approved. A new Board of Directors was elected for 2016. (Jon Farris; John Kloosterboer;…

2015 and earlier updates

12/29/2015 > SNOW EMERGENCY: see city information > TO REPORT PLOWING PROBLEMS: click here > REMINDER: HOA assessment checks are due by 1/1/2016. notice 12/28/2015 Added new photos 12/19/2015 New documents added to website 12/18/2015 An email update, including the 2016 budget and assessment, was sent. Letters will be delivered during the next several days.…

1/21/2015 Snow Removal post

1/21/2015 snow removal article here Mailbox Information – The Post Office requires that we shovel a 15-foot path to either side of the mailboxclusters. Often the plows don’t get close enough to the curb, so we’re each responsible. – There is a city ordinance that you cannot park within 8 feet of a mailbox (yet…