> SNOW EMERGENCY: see city information
> REMINDER: HOA assessment checks are due by 1/1/2016. notice
Added new photos
New documents added to website
An email update, including the 2016 budget and assessment, was sent. Letters will be delivered during the next several days. Assessment checks are due by January 1, 2016.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
We will be holding an all-Association member meeting on 12/8/2015 (tentatve date). Topics and action items will include the final transion of the Association to the owners, 2016 Board of Director elections, finances & anticipated 2016 budget items, and announcement of a 2016 annual assessment. You will receive a USPS letter with more information very soon.
Covenants and Bylaws have been added to the Documents section of the site.
Several new photos were added.
8/23/2015. Lynn Holley said she has hired an attorney to complete necessary paperwork to move the association to neighborhood control.
John & Jon are meeting with Lynn (5/6/2015). More to follow soon.
We cannot move forward until Lynn is ready. We will
advise association members as soon as we hear more (2/23/2015)
Even Earlier:
Happy New Year!
Association assessment payments are due on January 15th. Learn more here
We are going to need a volunteer to write our regular newsletters
Winter is here! Here are some handy Madison links and general info.
Snow removal information
Winter parking
Garbage & Recycle
See #3, Winter Placement
– The Post Office requires that we shovel a 15-foot path to either side of the mailbox clusters. Often the plows don’t get close enough to the curb, so we’re each responsible.
– There is a city ordinance that you cannot park within 8 feet of a mailbox (yet another parking fine offense). Additionally, our mailperson will NOT deliver mail on a day when the mailbox is blocked. Please be sure your friends, family, and visiting workers are aware of this ordinance.