Hello Pine Hill Farm Neighbors – A Pine Hill Farm HOA Update, January 2025:
Welcome to the Pine Hill Farm Home Owners Association website.
Documents (pdf files) are available for residents to download and open with the appropriate password.
Please contact HOA board president Rose Kraemer or webmaster Jon Farris if you need information or access to secure documents.
Notice of Annual Meeting: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 6:30 PM
Dahmen’s at Hawks Landing, 88 Hawks Landing Circle, Madison, WI 53593 (Reserved dining room space at no charge, encourage food and beverages on your own). Agenda plus more information HERE:
Annual HOA meeting and member dues: The annual HOA meeting was held at 6:30PM on April 10, 2024, at Dahmen's at Hawks Landing.
All information, MEETING NOTES, REVISED Architectural Change Form, and other documents are on our secure documents page. If you need a password to open any files, please contact Rose or Jon.
HOA annual dues will remain at the same amount as 2023 and are due on May 1, 2024. The option to pay member dues by Zelle is now available, in addition to payment by check.
Outlots Usage Reminder: The three Pine Hill Farm outlots (the ponds area, the Cedarberry Circle wooded center area, and the wooded area behind Pine Hill Drive homes) are community property of the Pine Hill Farm HOA and for all Pine Hill Farm residents to enjoy. As such, the outlots should not be used to place personal property, plant vegetation or discard refuse. Please keep these areas safe and inviting for all residents to enjoy. If you have any questions about outlot use, please reach out to any of the HOA board members.
Seeking your input and ideas for Pine Hill Farm neighborhood events! We would like to host a few HOA sponsored events in 2024 to bring neighbors together. We plan on hosting another ice cream social at tthe start of summer and are considering an outlot Spring clean-up event near Earth Day in April. We would love to hear your ideas for neighborhood social events and community activities. Please send your ideas to Justin Chamberilin, HOA Board Vice President and Social Director.
Pond Update: March 2024: We’ve been notified by the City of Madison that EC3 may be out tomorrow, March 7th to complete a controlled burn on the pond out lots. Do not be alarmed if you see fire and smoke in this area. This is one of the final steps in the 3-year pond area restoration plan. See information at the secure documents page.
10/2023: The pond areas received the final herbicide treatment on October 19th . This winter the city will be sowing seeds for native plants that will be noninvasive, beneficial to local insects, birds, and other wildlife and will improve the long-term functioning of the retention ponds. The City of Madison will maintain the site moving forward. Please see attached document for pond area restoration details from the City of Madsion Engineering Department.
Pine Hill Farm Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Review Form
A reminder to all residents that ALL building or property construction requires completion of the Pine Hill Farm Architectural Control Committee (ACC) Review Form and approval by the ACC.
Documents and more
Documents for the 2025 meeting are here.
Our 2024 Annual Meeting notes have been posted on the secure documents page.
PHF documents and notes are available here. (Password-protected links)
President's Message
Thanks for visiting our Association website. Please feel free to reach out to any of the PHF HOA Board members with questions or comments.